Parabola Lines
Abstract ~ Lines
This tutorial contains shapes that give the feeling of movement. What does this mean?
The answer is at the bottom of this tutorial.
Filters Required:
Eye Candy 5 Impact
Nik Software - Color Efex Pro 3.0
Filters Unlimited - Lens Flares
Tubes Required:
Main Tube Female
Selections and a Mask
Many Thanks to Claudiaviza for the female tube
Place Selections in your Selections Folder.
Open tubes and mask in your psp program and minimize.
Change your foreground color to white, #ffffff, and background color to #808080.
(This tutorial is created in greyscale so that color can be added at the end.)
Lets Begin:
1)File, New Image, 800wx550h, white.
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill with background color by right clicking mouse.
2)Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image - Select mask_psppeg_parabola, Source Luminance, Invert Checked.
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Brightness/Contrast - minus -28, 13.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visable
3)Hit your d key on your keyboard to get your Raster Deform Tool.
View - Rulers
Select the Center Node - Bottom of Canvas - Slide up to 400 pixels on the side ruler.
Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 5 Impact - Perspective Shadow - Settings Tab: Reflect Infront - On the image notice the Raster Deform Tool - Slide the Center node down to bottom.
Layers - Duplicate.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visable.
Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Lens Flare - Flare 05 - Default Settings.
4)Material Palette - Lock background - White Foreground
Pen Tool - Settings: Select Draw Lines, width 8,Line Style: Dotted.
Draw a Line across at 400 pixels side ruler.
Layers - Convert to Raster.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 3.
5)Maximize element1_psppeg_parabola.psp - Right Click title of Image - Copy
Go to your Image - Right Click Title - Paste - Paste As New Layer
Mover Tool - Position Top Right Corner.
6)Maximize tubeclaudiaviza-mujer1973.psp - Copy - Paste as a New Layer
Image - Resize 55%, all layers unchecked.
Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset - 200, 30, transparent.
Effects - Plugins - Perspective Shadow - Settings Tab: Drop Shadow, Blurry - Default Settings.
7)Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk - Load psppeg_ps1.sel.
Flood Fill Black, Repeat.
Selections - Select None.
8)Layers - New Raster Layer.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk - Load psppeg_p2.sel.
Material Palette - Change Foreground to Gradient - Corel 06_039, Rainbow or any Gradient of your liking.
Style - Linear - Angle and Repeats 0.
Flood Fill
Selections - Select None.
9)Maximize element2_psppeg.psp - Right Click title of Image - Copy
Go to your Image - Right Click Title - Paste - Paste As New Layer
Mover Tool - Position anywhere above the curving line.
10)Layers - Merge - Merge All.
Effects - Plugins - Nik Software - Color Efex Pro 3.0 - Bi-Color Filters - Color Set: Select whichever you like best. Repeat if desired.
Effects - Texture Effects - Texture - Pattern: Hatch Lump.
11)Image - Add Borders - Add a 10 pixel Symmetric Border in #000000.
Image - Add Borders - Add a 1 pixel Symmetric Border in #ffffff.
Image - Add Borders - Add a 10 pixel Symmetric Border in #000000.
12)Add your watermark
Add text
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.
Image - Resize 800 pixels.
Your done.
The answer to the question what are shapes that create movement: Any Shape that is diagonal will give the effect of movement in art.
Another Example
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