From Out of the Storm

Filters Required:

Ulead Particle

Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow

Eye Candy 5 - Impact

Toadies - What Are You

If you need a the linked image below and scroll down the page.

Tubes Required:

Main Tube by Guismo

Other Tube by Yvonne

Sév_Guismo has provided psppeg with permission to use the tubes provided in this tutorial.
To view more Fantastic Tubes by the Tubers click image below.

Many Thanks!




Look thru the list of filters and make certain you have them.
Open all tubes in your psp program and minimize.
Place Selection files in your Selection Folder
Double click the preset for Eye Candy


Material Palette - Set foreground to #6f58b1 and background to #000000


Lets Begin:


1)File, New Image, 760w x 560h, transparent.

2)Flood Fill Black

3)Maximize calguismistfleuille13122011.psp - Edit - Copy - Close - Edit - Paste - As A New Layer

4)Effects - Image Effects - Offset - Horizontal: 175, Vertical: 0, transparent

5)Layers - Duplicate

6)Image - Mirror

7)Layer Merge - Merge Down

8)Selections - Load Selection - Load psppeg_fs2.sel

9)Hit Delete Key - Selections - Select None

10)Maximize cactuslandscape_psppeg.psp - Edit - Copy - Edit - Paste - As a New Layer

11)Layers - Arrange - Move Down

12)Layers - Merge - Merge Visable

13)Layers - Duplicate

14)Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Screen, Opacity: 60

15)Layers - Merge - Merge Visable

16)Effects - Plugins - Ulead - Particle

B)Accent One

1)Maximize accent1_psppeg_fs.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Image - Edit - Paste As a New Layer

2)Effects - Plugins - Ulead - Particle - Select Smoke, Then Check Select All

You can place the smoke where desired by selecting any square and moving your mouse

C)Background Element 1

1)Layers - New Raster Layer

2)Selection Tool - Custom Selection

3)Flood Fill with Foreground Color - Selections - Select None

4)Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow - Default

5)Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

6)Layers - Duplicate

7)Image - Mirror

D)Background Element 2

1)Text Tool - Select Font: Arial Black, 72

2)Material Palette - Switch the colors and make Black the Foreground Color

3)Type in 4 periods ....

4)Position as shown

5)Layers - Convert to Raster

5)Layers - Duplicate

6)Image - Mirror

7)Layers - Merge - Merge Down

8)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - 3, 3, 50, 15, Black

E)Background Element 3

1)Layers - New Raster Layer

2)Selections Tool - Custom Selection

3)Layer Palette - Switch Black back to Background

4)Flood Fill Foreground Color

5)Selections - Select None

6)Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 5 Impact - Extrude - Settings Tab: Select psppeg Extrude 2

7)Layers - Duplicate

8)Image - Mirror

9)Layers - Merge - Merge Down

10)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - Same Settings

11)Layers - Merge - Merge Visable

F)Element One

1)Layer - New Raster Layer

2)Selections - Load Selection - Load psppeg_fs1.sel

3)Flood Fill Foreground Color

4)Selections - Select None

5)Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What Are You - Default Settings

6)Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More

7)Layers - Duplicate

8)Image - Mirror

G)Main Tubes

1)Maximize calguisParisienne11122011.psp - Select Layer Marine - Edit - Copy - Minimize - Edit - Paste As a New Layer.

2)Image - Resize - 70%, all layers unchecked

3)Mover Tool - Move tube down to touch bottom of image

4)Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen

5)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

6)Layer Palette - Select Layer Below (the Shadow Layer)

7)Selections - Load Selection - Load psppeg_fs3.sel, Hit the Delete Key (Shadows appear on walls but not sky)

8)Maximize calguisParisienne11122011.psp - Select Layer parfum - Edit - Copy - Close Image - Edit - Paste As a New Layer.

9)Image - Resize - 40%, all layers unchecked

10)Mover Tool - Position - Sitting on Shelf

11)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - Same Settings

12)Maximize yp_chubby_sticks_gifts_set.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Image - Edit - Paste As a New Layer

13)Image - Resize - 20%, all layers unchecked

14)Mover Tool - Position on Other Shelf

15)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow


1)Layers - Merge - Merge All - Edit - Copy

2)Image - Add Borders - 1 pixels symmetric border - with #000000.

3)Image - Add Borders - 10 pixels symmetric border - Foreground Color

4)Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and Feather 0 - Select the Last Border

5)Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow - Selections - Select None

6)Image - Add Borders - 2 pixel symmetric border in #000000


1)Add your watermark
2)Add text
3)Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.

Your done.  

Another Example


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