Beautiful Day

Abstract ~ Shapes
This tutorial contains shapes that draw the viewer into the center of interest. What does this mean? The answer is at the bottom of this tutorial.

Filters Required:

Filter Factory Gallery M

VanDerLee Unplugged X

Toadies - What Are You

Xero - Porcelain

Tubes Required:

Main Tube Female



Main Tube was created by JHanna. Thank you Johanna for the permission of using your tube in the tutorial. To receive her tubes Go Here




Open all tubes in your psp program and minimize.
Change your foreground color to white, #ffffff, and background color to #a9bd85.

Lets Begin:

1)File, New Image, 800wx550h, transparent.
Flood fill with background color by right clicking mouse.

2)Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood Fill white.
Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory M - Ambrosia - Default Settings.

Effects - Geometric Effects - Circle - Transparent.

Layers Duplicate.

3)Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Wavemaker

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 3.00
Layers - Duplicate.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visable.

4)Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections Tool - Selection - Custom Selection - 0, 200, 800, 300.

Flood Fill White.

5)Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory M - Ambrosia - Default Settings
Selections - Select None.
Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What Are You? - 15,15.

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

6)Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Tan Deform - Default Settings.

Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Wavemaker - Default Settings.

7)Effects - Image Effects - Offset - 0, 200, transparent.

Layers Duplicate
Image Flip

8)Layers - Merge - Merge Down.
Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Overlay - Opacity: 50.
Image Mirror.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

9)Maximize day_psppeg_element1.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Tube - Edit Paste - As New Layer.

10)Maximize day_psppeg_element2.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Tube - Edit Paste - As New Layer
Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Soft Light
Effects - Image Effects - Offset - 260, minus -90, transparent.

11)Maximize Butterfly02_dhedey.psp - Edit - Copy - Close tube - Edit - Paste as a New Layer.
Image - Mirror
Image - Resize - 70%, all layers unchecked.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset - 310, 130, transparent.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow -same settings, except change color to #000000.

12)Maximize JHanna_371 tubes1+2©Sniege.psp - Edit - Copy - Close tube - Edit - Paste as a New Layer.
Effects - Plugins - Xero _ Porcelain - Change Blue to 0.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - Same Settings.
Mover Tool - Position to the left, touching the bottom of the image border.

13)Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.
Image - Add Borders - Add a 1 pixel Symmetric Border in #000000.
Image - Add Borders - Add a 50 pixel Symmetric Border in #ffffff.
Image - Add Borders - Add a 2 pixel Symmetric Border in #000000.

14)Add your watermark
Add text
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.
Image - Resize 800 pixels.

Your done.

The answer to the question what is the center of interest: It is the place you want the viewers eyes to go to first. In this image that would be the ladies eye.  

Another Example


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