Nature Swirls

Filters Required:


FM Tile Tools
Xero Clarify

Tubes Required:

Main Tube Female

Misted Garden

Butterfly Swirl

or use the Ones Used Here

Which include:

JHanna222_tube Tube created by Johanna and has given us permission to use her tube, Thank you! It can be at Link is Here
GINATUBES_DIVERS_323, the Misted Garden tube was created by Gina which can be found Here

The rest of the tubes were found during online travels.


Open all tubes and jpegs in your psp program and minimize.
Select two colors from your main tube. We used #e08b8d foreground, #8f8ea7 background.

Set your foreground to gradient, foreground/background, Angle 50, Repeat 2, Style Linear

File, New Image, 800wx600h, transparent.
Flood Fill with Gradient

Lets Begin:

1)Layers-New Raster Layer. Selections-Select All
Maximize Apophysis-27. Edit - Copy. Close jpeg. Edit - Paste Into Selection. Selections - Select None.
Layer Palette - Change Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools Collage - Circular - Settings 0.500/-0.406/2

Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss Default Setting.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visable.
Effects - Plugins - Simple - 4 Way Average
Repeat FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss

2)Maximize a_052611, the tree. Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste as a New Layer.
Move to the left.

Take your eraser tool, with the following settings, and remove the bottom of the tree by clicking one time with the eraser.

Layer Palette - Change Blend Mode to Dodge and lower the Opacity to 53.

3)Maximize TURKIS by Mago74 elem (24).psp, Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste - as a New Layer.
Image - Mirror

4)Layers - New Raster Layer. Selections - Select All.
Maximize GINATUBES_DIVERS_323, Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste Into Selection.
Selections - Select None.
Layers Palette - Change Blend Mode to Soft Light
Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss default settings.
Effects - Plugins - Xero - Clarity - Default Settings

5)Maximize psppeg_swirls, Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste - as a New Layer.
Position to the right center, touching the edge of the image border.

6)Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten
Image - Add Borders. Add a 2 pixel symmetric border in a darker color of the mixed color of your background. We used #82484f.
Image - Add Borders a 2 pixel symmetric border color white #ffffff, and another border 2 pixels symmetric in #82484f.
Layers - Promote Background to Layer.
Image - Resize - 80%.All layers Unchecked.

Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen.
Layers - New Layer. Layers - Arrange - Send to Bottom. Flood fill with color white #ffffff.
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.
Image - Add Borders - 2 pixels symmetric border in color #82484f.

7)Maximize JHanna_222_tube, Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste - as a New Layer.
Image - Resize - Same settings as before except change 80% to 90%.
Position to the left almost touching the inner border.
Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow - Settings 2,4,70,15.

8)Maximize psppeg_swirlstext, Edit - Copy. Close tube. Edit - Paste as a New Layer.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings as before.
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.
Add your watermark. Your Done.      


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