Dreaming of Gold

Filters Required:

Carolaine and Sensibility - CS BRectangles

AP 07 - Gradients/Patterns

Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Paper Textures

Mura Meister - Copies

AAA Frames - Frame Works
If you need a filter..select the linked image below and scroll down the page.

Tubes Required:

Main Tube (Female) by Guismo

Landscape also by Guismo

Sév_Guismo has provided psppeg with permission to use the tubes provided in this tutorial.
To view more Fantastic Tubes by the Tuber Sév_Guismo click image below.

Many Thanks Sev




Look thru the list of filters and make certain you have them.
Open all tubes in your psp program and minimize.
Place the three selection files in your PSP Selections Folder

Material Palette

Material Palette - Set foreground to #697e00 and background to #ced890
or select one medium colour and a light colour to work with.
Set Foreground to Gradient - Style Radial, Gradient Foreground/Background,
Angle 140, Repeats 9, Invert unchecked.

Lets Begin:


1)File, New Image, 760wx560h, transparent.
2)Flood Fill with Gradient.
3)Effects - Plugins - Carolaine and Sensibility - CS BRectangles

4)Selections - Load Selections from Disk - Load psppeg_psy1.sel, Selecting Source Luminance and Replace Selection
5)Effects - Plugins - AP 07 Gradients/Patterns - Pattern Square

6)Selections - Select None
7)Selections - Load Selections from Disk - Load psppeg_psy2.sel, same settings
8)Effects - Texture Effects - Weave

9)Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance - Selections - Select None
10)Layers - Duplicate
11)Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling

12)Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 40
13)Layers - Merge Visable
14)Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Paper Textures - Canvas Fine - Default Settings
15) Image - Mirror


1)Maximize - calguismistedCity5092011.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Tube - Edit - Paste - As a New Layer
2)Image - Resize - 60%, all layers unchecked, Repeat at 50%, all layers unchecked
3)Effects - Image Effects - Offset - Horizontal 120, Vertical 40, transparent
4)Layers - Duplicate
5)Layer Palette - Select Layer Second from the top, called Raster 1
6)Effects - Texture Effects - Emboss
7)Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Luminance Legacy, Opacity: 42
8)Layer Palette - Select Top Layer Blend Mode: Overlay, Opacity: 80

c)Center Framing

1)Selections - Load Selections - Load psppeg_psy3.sel
2)Layers - New Raster Layer Flood Fill Black
3)Selections - Select None
4)Maximize - psppeg_borders1.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Tube - Edit - Paste - As a New Layer
5)Mover Tool - Position on either side of City
6)Layer Palette - Blend Mode: Multiply

D)Element 1

1)Maximize - dots_9.psp - Edit - Copy - Close Tube - Edit - Paste - As a New Layer
2)Effects - Plugins - Mura Meisters - Copies

3)Effects - Image Effects - Offset - Horizontal 0, Vertical 270, transparent
4)Layers - Duplicate
5)Image - Flip
6)Layers - Merge Down
7)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - 1, 1, 100, 1, white

E)Main Tube

1)Maximize calguisfashion24102011.psp - Edit - Copy - Close image - Edit - Paste As a New Layer.
2)Image - Resize - 50%, all layers unchecked.
3)Mover Tool - Position to the left
4)Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0,0,68,60 Black

1)Layers - Merge - Merge All
2)Image - Add Borders - 1 pixels symmetric border - Black
3)Image - Add Borders - 15 pixels symmetric border - #697e00
4)Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and Feather 0 - Select the last Border
5)Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Frame Works


1)Add your watermark
2)Add text
3)Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten.

Your done.  

Another Example


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